Legal warning
- Name: Pharmex Advanced Laboratories, S.L.
- CIF/NIF: B-56055635
- Address: Calle Anabel Segura, 16 Edificio 1, Planta 1, Derecha. 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid.
- Email:
- URL:
- Registro Mercantil de Córdoba, tomo 2.535, Folio 111, Hoja CO-37.221
In addition to the physical address, users can address their requests, questions or claims to the following address
The access and use of the web/s attribute the condition of User, which implies adherence to this legal notice in the version published at the time it is accessed. If you do not agree with it, you must refrain from accessing the web or using the services provided through it.
This legal notice is governed by the principles of legality and good faith, the user agreeing to use the web, as well as the information or services provided, in accordance with the law, morality, good customs and public order. The unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, its resale as well as the injury of rights of third parties, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
Especially, we recommend that you pay attention and read our policies related to the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. Access to certain content, products and/or services offered through the web may be subject to certain specific conditions that, according to the cases, replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, prior to accessing and/or using said contents, products and/or services, the user must also read carefully the corresponding specific conditions. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of this legal notice and the specific conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
PHARMEX is not responsible for the misuse or misappropriation of the contents or information published on the web. The user acknowledges and accepts that all information and/or content accessed through the web is for your sole and exclusive personal and non-transferable use. The assignment to third parties of any type or form of all or part of the information and/or contents to which the user may have access through the web is forbidden.
In compliance with the provisions of the law regarding services of the society of information and the general data protection regulation, PHARMEX may send you, by email or through any other similar means, advertising information related to the activity of PHARMEX, based on the weighted legitimate interest.
Industrial/Intellectual Property
The domains of the websites belonging to PHARMEX are property of PHARMEX. This website incorporates trademarks, logos, images, texts, designs, slogans, and other content whose rights belong to PHARMEX or have the corresponding license for use. The user expressly recognizes this ownership and understands that he does not acquire any right over them, nor can he modify or make use of them. All these contents, without the express consent in writing and signed by their owners, will be of unauthorized use. The user is not authorized to use, in any other website, the PHARMEX trademarks.
In the event that the user accesses and/or downloads any content and/or item that is available to them through the Web, as well as any of the applications available for that purpose, he will not have any right to them, given that each company only authorizes their personal and non-transferable use and retains all rights over them. Any act of reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available, or transformation, as well as any other form of exploitation of all or part of said contents or elements, made in any form or by any means, will require prior written consent of the company, or in its case, of its owner.
The access and navigation through the Web will not be understood as a renunciation, transmission, license or total or partial cession of the aforementioned rights, as the case may be, of the holder of the rights to which they correspond.
Unauthorized use
The User agrees not to use the Website and its contents for illegal purposes or activities: he will not have the right to modify any of the materials incorporated in the Website, nor may he copy, distribute, transmit, present, perform, or in general, reproduce in any way, publish, authorize or create any work based on the information or content incorporated in the Web.
The Web may contain some typographical errors. We reserve the right to modify the content of the Website without prior notification.
For better benefits of the Web, it is possible that links are introduced to third parties for which our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy are not applicable and that are out of control of PHARMEX. So, these sites must have their own Privacy Policy and independent Legal Notice and although we try to protect the integrity of our site, PHARMEX cannot be held responsible, nor can be considered as such, the content and activities of these sites. Your visit or access to these sites is, therefore, your responsibility.
Privacy and Cookies Policy
To learn more about our Privacy and Cookies Policies access our Privacy Policy and/or our Cookies Policy.
Exemption from liability
The information and contents that are offered through the Web, have been prepared by specialists.
Despite this, from PHARMEX we suggest that you always consult a professional before making any decision, which is why we are not responsible, as far as the legal system allows, for any liability for damages of any kind arising from:
- Not consulting a professional before making any decision.
- Any inaccuracies in the system.
- Failure to comply with laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this legal notice as a consequence of incorrect use of the Website.
- Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the Contents
(a) Quality
PHARMEX does not guarantee that the content of the Website is updated, complete and accurate or that the content does not contain defects and/or errors. Under no circumstances will PHARMEX be responsible for the production of any type of damage that Users or third parties may cause on the Website.
PHARMEX does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the Content that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.
PHARMEX excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files of Users.
(b) Legality, reliability and usefulness.
PHARMEX does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the Contents, and in no case will be responsible for the lack of compliance with the expectations deposited by the User in the information, products and/or services offered through the Web.
PHARMEX will not be responsible for the usefulness and effectiveness of recommendations, treatments, measures and other information on prevention, health, improvement and quality of life, habits and customs, which are provided in a generic and global manner, Users should consult and advise personally with a professional.
PHARMEX excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents, and, although not exclusively, for the damages that may be due to:
(I) the breach of the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order as a consequence of the transmission, diffusion, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents;
(II) the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honour, personal and family privacy and the image of people, property rights and of any other nature belonging to a third party as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, receiving, obtaining or accessing the contents;
(III) the performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a consequence of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents;
(IV) the lack of veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness, pertinence and/or actuality of the contents;
(V) the inadequacy for any kind of purpose and the disappointment of the expectations generated by the contents;
(VI) the breach, delay in compliance, defective compliance or termination for any reason of the obligations contracted by third parties and contracts made with third parties through or due to access to the contents;
(VII) the vices and defects of all kinds of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available or otherwise transmitted or made available, received, obtained or accessed through the Web or the services.
(c) Truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and topicality. Content provided by third parties
PHARMEX does not guarantee the veracity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Contents, nor of the information provided by its collaborators, clients and/or users, nor of the effectiveness and quality of use made by said collaborators customers and/or users of the Web and the information contained therein. PHARMEX is not responsible for the contributions, opinions, judgments, comments or content provided by collaborators, customers and/or users through any of the mechanisms that could be made available to users, which violate current regulations and/or injures rights of third parties, nor necessarily shares the opinions and content provided. The legal responsibility will correspond to the collaborator, client and/or user who makes the infraction.
- Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the operation of the Website.
(a) Availability and continuity, utility and fallibility
PHARMEX has adopted the necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning of the Web. However, PHARMEX will not be responsible for lack of availability of a Web at any given time, either due to technical reasons, maintenance of the system, interference, interruptions of Internet service providers or any other cause or faults that may occur in the access, operation and operation of the Web, as well as interruptions, suspensions or the malfunction of the same for reasons beyond PHARMEX’s control.
PHARMEX excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Web, to the fraud of the utility that the Users may have attributed to the Web, to the fallibility of the Web, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different pages of the Website or those from which the service is provided.
(b) Privacy and security in the use of the Web.
PHARMEX does not guarantee the privacy and security of the use of the Web, in particular, it does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties may not have knowledge of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that Users make of the Web.
PHARMEX excludes any liability for damages of any nature that could be due to the knowledge that may have unauthorized third parties of the kind, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that Users make of the Web.
In case PHARMEX does not apply any of the stipulations foreseen in the previous points, the latter will not be understood, in any case, as a waiver of said stipulation.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:
This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish legislation. Provided that the User is not a “consumer or user” as defined by Spanish regulations, and unless the Law that is applicable mandates otherwise, the parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain, expressly waiving the parties to any other jurisdiction.